If we heal our birth, we heal our life.
Many of us do not realize how important our birth is for the development of beliefs and our world view. The time we spend in the mother’s womb experiencing all her experiences, the birth process itself and the first six years form the person we are today.
In the mother’s womb
In the mother’s womb the child feels one with her and relates everything that happens, what she emotionally experiences and thinks, to itself. This time is highly sensitive. And because it is a pre-verbal, precognitive time, all feelings are stored in the subconscious at the body level.
Was there separation, grief, psychological or physical violence in the mother’s life at that time? What emotional conclusions did the fetus draw about the safety and security in this world?
The consequences can be anger, fear, frustration, self-doubt, loneliness, helplessness or resignation – just to name a few – and can still be felt throughout our lives today.
During the birth
Nature provides for the baby to determine the date of birth itself when it is ready. Then a highly complex cascade of hormones and metabolites is released, which initiate and prepare the birth process exactly as it is best for the mother and the child.
Was there a planned caesarean section, labour induction or other procedures, such as forceps delivery, instead?
The consequences of today’s intervention in the natural birth process can be the feeling of not belonging, the feeling of separation from the world, of being left alone or feeling lonely, as well as feelings of not being good enough or not being lovable.
After the birth
Adopted children or children who have not been allowed to be with their parents for a longer period of time often have the feeling of rejection, that they are not good enough and have difficulties establishing lasting relationships.
Surprisingly, there are many people who remember their own birth, the feelings and being separated from the mother or even the loss of a twin in the belly.
Giving birth
Perhaps you also had a dramatic experience giving birth to your own children, and circumstances beyond your control prevented you from “bonding” with your child as it should be. Maybe you have lost a child, you are unable to get pregnant or you are already pregnant and afraid of giving birth.
A wonderful technique
With Matrix Birth Reimprinting, a technique developed by Sharon King that uses the elements of EFT and Matrix Reimprinting, we can go back and resolve the emotions attached to these traumas and create a whole new experience and positively change the beliefs attached to them.
With this gentle yet powerful tool we can re-experience the birth process and experience the special “bonding” process that is normal for every mother and child. It dissolves traumatic experiences of mother and baby that have often led to decades of negative imprinting.
For example, through a “bonding experience”, healing energies are released, which finally give the clients the feeling of being loved.
Matrix Birth Reimprinting can help to free the birth of our children, but also our own birth, from old burdens and trauma.