Here is a small part of the large field that affects our mental and physical well-being:
Stress in all areas/burnout prevention…
Conflicts and entanglements in love, partnership, family and the associated feelings of fear, guilt, loyalty and shame…
Compatibility of family and career…
Separation, abandonment, deception, jealousy, divorce, envy, feelings of guilt, feelings of inferiority, lovesickness…
Fear in everyday life: fear of certain situations, fear of failure, fear of change, fear of unemployment, fear of injury, fear of loss, fear of withdrawal of love, recurring nightmares…
Rage, anger, hatred, worry: in partnership, family, job, school, anger towards people around you (today or in the past)….
Unclear or negative self-image…
Lack of boundaries of one’s own needs…
Blindness to one’s own feelings…..
The list is endless.
All these things can derail us and negatively influence our body-mind-balance. We ponder, are irritated and stressed, overwhelmed, boil internally with rage, have lost hope …
In short, in our brain there is a hamster wheel with always the same negative thoughts and the resulting negative feelings that lead to negative beliefs over time. I’m not good enough, I can’t do that, it never works for me, I’m always unlucky, I’m not lovable, I’m alone…
This hamster wheel consumes an incredible amount of energy every day, which we lack in other things. We are tired, but still sleepless, energyless, lacking motivation. And the more exhausted we are, the more our body is susceptible to disease.
Science today has proven through psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) that body and mind constantly influence each other in the most complex biochemical way. Body and mind are a system that must be in balance for a person to be healthy. Many physical problems have emotional and mental causes.
Epigenetics, also a new field of science, confirms that our genes are not predetermined from birth and do not change afterwards. Genes are switched on and off by the influence of our environment, nutrition, but also, and this is particularly important, by our daily thoughts and feelings…
“Our thoughts and feelings have an effect on every single one of our cells” – Bruce Lipton Ph.D., Epigeneticist
My concern is to restore this body-spirit-soul balance together with you. To let you get out of the hamster wheel and provide the energy for other things.
The gentle methods of energetic psychology, such as Tapping (also called EFT), Matrix Reimprinting, Matrix Birth Reimprinting are very effective, in most cases very fast and can also be used by yourself in daily life.
They are unusual techniques that often help in cases where other methods have been less successful.