
Anja’s helpful, empathetic approach to conversation is characterized by her high level of competence. With her goal-oriented questions, she is able to get to the bottom of causes and resolve unconscious, emotional problems.
The conversations with her lead to inner clarity and, should tears sometimes flow in the process, she patiently gives encouragement because, after all, “the soul is showered and relieved”.

Anja has really helped me work through some of my past, giving me the tools I need to confront trauma that creeps up in my daily life and giving me the peace I need for the trauma past. Really do not hesitate. I’m so glad I stepped outside of my comfort zone.

I was already familiar with EFT and knew it could help quite a bit, but with my anxiety and problems at work I was not getting anywhere on my own, so I came across Mrs. Branitzki.

She asked specific questions with her very pleasant, natural and empathetic manner, which quickly led me to the true cause of my problem. It was an unpleasant situation from childhood, which we then resolved amazingly quickly and effectively with Matrix Reimprinting.

The problem was resolved in the session, but I could not imagine how it would look in the reality of work.

Now some time later I can only say it all feels so much more relaxed. Before I had recurring doubts, inner self-talk and often felt so incapable even though I rationally knew it wasn’t true. Since the sessions, I’ve been much more relaxed and confident with everything, including colleagues and the boss, and really know my worth from the inside out now.

Amazing that sometimes it can be so simple after all if you get the right help! Thank you very much.